When you apply for a job. You have to make sure that you give your best because employers will just recognize you on that piece of paper. No matter how great you can be in person you just have to impress the employer using two sheets of paper. It is a hard task everyone should pass if not, that applicant will end up being unemployed. Selling yourself is a must because this will benefit you and your career especially if you know where you are going to.
How are you going to do that? By choosing the right resume for yourself, you will be able to get the attention of the employer. You can get the job that you want plus you can enjoy the perks of being employed.
CHRONOLOGICAL RESUME - According to jobbankusa.com, this type of resume is easy to write and probably the most common resume format. In fact 84% of the recruiters prefer this type of resume outline to any other.. This will help the applicant showcase his or her employment history in an organized manner.
FUNCTIONAL RESUME - This resume outline helps highlight the fact that you are on a career path. Use a functional resume outline if you want to highlight your skills at each job, instead of the job title or position itself. This type of resume is best if you have a time gap in your resume, or have worked at several different types of companies.
CURRICULUM VITAE - This resume outline is a specialty outline that is best for education and research fields. Typically a Curriculum Vitae (CV) is more through than a regular resume and lists every achievement that you have had, including published papers and presentations.
CANDIDATE PROFILE - This resume outline isn't actually a resume at all. Some companies are doing away with tradition resumes in favor of a technologically advanced alternative. This type of resume outline is particularly useful if employers have to wade through thousands of candidates quickly.