Building Your Own Resume

What are the things that we need to put in our resume. There are many guidelines on what or what not to write, but before that, how can we say that an information is worth to place on our professional resumes. According to Debra Auerbach, resume must include the information that is necessary to the position we are applying for that is why we need to weigh things out if it is formal or not. Here are some resume question marks written by Auerbach:

  1. HOME ADDRESS. Not listing our home address will put us up to a danger position because our employers might question our credibility.
  2. REFERENCE INFORMATION. Provide reference if there is a mutual interest.
  3. GRADE POINT AVERAGE. Our GPA should only be included in our resume if we just graduated.
  4. PHOTO. Never include a photo unless we are applying for a modeling career.

We can also look for some resume building services to get some hel;p when we are having a hard time. Most of all, there is nothing bad to pay a service if we really want the best for our employment.